What are people saying about QuestionPress?

"I've looked at A LOT of different responder type apps/programs, and by far QuestionPress is the easiest and most straight forward." - Michelle, Technology Integration Specialist

"Outstanding! I've been using Google Forms, but this is awesome." - Carlos, High School Spanish Teacher

"I invited the superintendent in to watch QuestionPress in action. He was very impressed. He wants to know why all staff aren't using this type of student response system." - Jon, 5th Grade Teacher

"I used the site yesterday and I had students actually say. 'We should do it this way again.' High praise indeed from teenagers." - Nate, High School English Teacher (Special Note: Nate is noted for having coined QuestionPress as a verb - "QuestionPress me your response....")

"It's great!" - Shannon, High School English Teacher

"I had all the big wigs in the classroom the other day while a math teacher and I collaborated on teaching graphing and surveys to 4th graders. I had two Macbooks out for them to add questions and 25 iPod Touches out to answer as we went along. The Admins pulled out their iPhones and played along too. They were so excited they asked if I would do an iPT lesson next week. They have invited the local news media out to check out what is going on in the classrooms." - Bo, 4th Grade Teacher

Four Student Response Systems
Learning In Hand, Tony Vincent
A Cheap and Easy Student Response System for Students with Access to Computers
The Innovative Educator, Lisa Nielsen
QuickieQ.com - Web Clicker System
Notes From the Digital Frontier, David Brannan


Do you have something you'd like to add? Email us and tell us what you like about QuestionPress

QuestionPress Has Been Showcased at ...

QuestionPress was used at ASTE 2011 for all conference and breakout surveys. 600 attendees and over 160 simultaneous surveys.